Monday, April 11, 2011

Seabreeze Bamboo

Looking for a bamboo that will screen out a busy road or maybe just your neighbor's shed?   Bambusa malingensis or Seabreeze Bamboo is a beautiful bamboo for the Central Florida region. It can grow to 40' with 2 1/2" culms so it's a big statement but it has a nice upright growth habit that allows it to fit into smaller spaces. What I love best about this bamboo is that it keeps such a nice green color all year round. It has some leaf shed in the spring as the new growth pushes out but I have had no leaf discoloration due to cold temperatures. Seabreeze bamboo has gained it's name because it is more tolerant of coastal conditions. So if you are near the beach this beauty is the one for you. It is a relatively fast grower and will block noise pollution as well as clean the air.  The poles are good for construction especially with it's straight growth habit. The leaves and shoots are good for medicine, tea, and eating. It is one of my favorites to use for tea. A great bamboo all and all that does fantastic in Central Florida.